What is the all time high price of Bome coin?
I'm trying to find out the highest price that BOME coin has ever reached. I'm curious to know its peak value.

Who launched Bome coin?
I'm curious about the origin of BOME coin. I want to know who is responsible for launching this particular cryptocurrency into the market.

When did Bome coin launch?
Bome coin, also known as BOME, was launched on March 14th by Darkfarm, a Pepe Meme artist. It's a meme coin based on the Solana blockchain, aiming to create a permanent storage system for memes and revolutionize web3 culture and transactions.

How much is Bome coin worth?
I'm curious about the value of BOME coin. I've heard about it and want to know how much it's currently worth. Can someone tell me the worth of a Bome coin?

How much is one bome coin?
I'm curious about the value of a BOME coin. I want to know how much it is worth, possibly in comparison to other currencies or commodities. Can someone tell me the current value or price of one bome coin?